I’m alexa!
Hey! My name is Alexa Bellavia and I am currently a junior in high school. I'm passionate about travel, books, writing, food, tennis, movies, research, and my faith! I love to learn about new people, cultures, and traditions. I hope to major in anthropology because I think people are so fascinating! I'm creating this blog as a kind of place to put my thoughts, research, writing, and more. My favorite subjects are history and English. I also love watching sports games. My favorite quote is "If you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always gotten". I like this quote because it's a way to challenge yourself to take risks! My favorite Bible verse is Matthew 25:40 because I think caring for others at a deep and selfless level is one of the greatest and hardest things a person can do. That's a brief synopsis of who I am! Remember to try and find the fun in everything, even when life might be weighing you down.